Monday, February 09, 2009

Dum Spiro, Spero.

And so why The Purple Rose Of Beirut?
Maybe because Life IS a fantasy. And not always a good one.
Maybe because she likes to believe she can LIVE her dreams.
Maybe because Woody Allen has showed her time and time again that he can explain Life in his own neurotic way.
Maybe because she too travels into movies and acts them out even on a small scale.
Maybe because she can see how relationships can be turned upside down.
Maybe because the story is not only about love but more about Life, about believing and dreaming and escaping...
Maybe because what they call denial, she calls behavioral therapy.
Maybe because at the risk of sounding disconnected, she does believe the stars align. And even if they don't, at one point satisfaction comes in different packages.
Maybe because even when saying that, she sees the discrepancy but still strongly believes in it. Because what a harsh world it would be if one didn't.
Yes, she chooses to believe. And she assumes all responsibilities of, one day, falling off her high held illusions with no one to catch her. And everyone to point and say "I told you so!"
But she has seen life, she has seen misery, in all its glory. And Maybe that is exactly what drove her to believe in the Purple Rose of Beirut. Her own purple rose. To escape war, to escape financial insecurity, to escape illness, to escape heartache, to escape separation and distance from those dearly beloved. And mostly to accept it all. In her own way. And to be grateful.
The topic of "The Purple Rose of Cairo" might have been used and abused over and again, but the way it is depicted in that particular movie shows how life and its meaning will always carry a double edge sword: Yes she can believe in her dreams, but she should expect that even if things do turn out the way she wanted them to,(which she still believes they do eventually), she might find out that, somewhere along the way, this is not what she wanted anymore...

"--Cecilia: I just met a wonderful new man. He's fictional but you can't have everything.
--Tom Baxter: I'm sorry. It's written into my character to do it, so I do it
--Henry: No! No! Don't turn the projector off! No! No! It gets black and we disappear!
--Larry: I want to go too! I wanna be free! I want out!
Mr. Hirsch's Lawyer: I'm warning you, that's Communist talk."