Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Experiencing And Documenting Apprehension.

As I'm being flooded with bad news to worse, I sit back to reminisce about the last bit of good news I received. And it seems diluted in a sea of mishaps. To the point that I have become wary of what the future holds. This is a new feeling to document. I have always lived in shallow but very persistent denial of "bad things might happen to you" until they started hitting me one after the other. You just can't ignore them anymore.

Fortunately(?) I didn't get myself here, all the stories are governed by external forces, out of my reach. However, somehow, this makes them more discouraging since they involve fate, inevitability, and the questioning of the essence of life and the purpose of it all...

And, as I look back at a picture taken two weeks ago I can only think of how ironic it is for us to celebrate life the way we unintentionally do: An acquaintance of mine had to go through the unfortunate experience of losing his best friend at the ripe age of 25. And so he took the first plane back home to attend the funeral and pay his respects to the deceased and his family. He was genuinely saddened and distraught. Later that night, he teared up over that glass of whisky we shared in Gemmayzeh when his friend was mentioned. Yes life goes on. Yes he was truly touched, it wasn't an act. Yet he decided to take advantage of his one night stay in Lebanon to see his friends, those still alive, and to take in as much of his homeland as possible. He was celebrating life as he knows it and the deceased wouldn't have wanted it any other way...

But it made me stop. And I looked and wondered about the irony of it all. And how in the same time, when two days ago, another acquaintance died a tragic death, someone else I know was experiencing the best day of her life yet to come, her engagement day.